Write a short note on Lady Wishfort

Lady Wishfor t Lady Wishfor t is one of the dominating characters in “The way of the world” by William congreve. Though lady wishfort...
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Note On The Way of the World

The Way of the World William Congreve is one of the greatest playwrights of restoration period. The way of the world is a world famo...
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Write a short note on The Rape of the Lock

The Rape of the Lock Belinda is presented by Pope in " The Rape of the Lock " as a bundle of contradictions. This makes he...
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Coleridge’s objections to Wordsworth’s theories

           Wordsworth and Coleridge are the two great friends who pioneered the birth of English romantic poetry at a time when the ne...
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Note on Tom Jones by Henry Fielding

Tom Jones Tom Jones is a great novel by Henry Fielding. It deals with various aspects of life and various elements of the society of...
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Sidney's theory about Poetry.

Sidney's Poetry Sidney is a devoted student of Greek philosophy, especially of the two great philosophers- Plato and Aristotle....
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Short Note On Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift (1667) is one of the greatest satirists as well as outstanding personalities in the field of ...
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Dr. Johnson's preface to Shakespeare's Plays

Dr. Johnson is one of the greatest critics. As a literary critic he was an exponent of classicism. He is almost always penetrati...
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Short Note on Tragedy ,Criticism, According to Poetic (Chapter 1-14,24,26),Aristotle

The poetics is the first important document in the history of western criticism. It deals with tragedy, comedy and the epic. But it i...
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What is Language? Describe characteristic of Language?

Language is a complex human phenomenon which cannot be explained in a single definition. According to Aristotle , language is speech t...
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Note on Volpone, Ben Jonson

Volpone The play Volpone is certainly a study of avarice or greed, one of the seven deadly sins. Gold or wealth or fortune is an obs...
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Note On The Merchant of Venice

                                             It is true that in any drama of Shakespeare there are   more than one theme. Drama is the...
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Short Note on Robinson Crusoe

Short Note on Robinson Crusoe Sin, punishment and repentance are one of the important themes of the novel – Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe...
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